Alexander Technique Research: Mini-Collection

Here's a collection of some research on the Alexander Technique.

Understanding the science behind the Alexander Technique is a real passion of mine, but if this seems to you like the most boring thing ever, no worries! Check out other posts blog, and feel free to get in touch about something you're curious about. If this is your cup of tea though, I hope this helps you better connect with some of what's out there. Read on and enjoy!


  • Chronic Neck Pain Alexander Technique Lessons or Acupuncture Sessions for Persons With Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial (2015)
  • Medical and Health‐Related Conditions Evidence for the effectiveness of Alexander Technique lessons in medical and health-related conditions: a systematic review (2012)
  • Chronic and Recurrent Back Pain Randomized controlled trial of Alexander technique lessons, exercise, and massage (ATEAM) for chronic and recurrent back pain (2007)
  • Musicians and Performance Anxiety The Alexander Technique and musicians: a systematic review of controlled trials (2014)
  • Parkinson's disease (2015) Lighten UpSpecific Postural Instructions Affect Axial Rigidity and Step Initiation in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease
  • Parkinson's disease Randomized controlled trial of the Alexander technique forIdiopathic Parkinson's disease.Clinical rehabilitation (2002)
  • Parkinson's disease Retention of skills learnt in Alexander technique lessons: 28 people with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (2005)




Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique Research Page and Directory
Above is the website of the UK Alexander Technique governing body. I've linked you right to a nicely organized page that contains a lot of decently up to date research. It also includes some nice writing on the early history of 'science and the Alexander Technique'.

Alexander Studies
Above is a website being developed in collaboration with the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique. It aims to develop a platform for further publication and research opportunities to further understanding the Alexander Technique.
